In this role of unit 55 Radio Production my role was being the script writer and the program director. These were both high pressure roles making sure the script was perfect for the correct target audience and being program editor to make sure the audience stay tuned in.
Evidence of my Contribution:
Below is all the tasks I did within the production.
A) Intended radio station/broadcaster
The intended radio station that will host the show is Sheffield Live! this is because it is a local station that tries to fill in the niche gaps in the market whether it is a certain race, theme, genre. Our show will fit in to the community radio idea because we are appealing directly to different cultures within Sheffield, who the mainstream radio stations do not cater for. It will also benefit the community for people who have never listen to Film reviews a chance to hear.
B) Target Audience
C) Content plan
D) Running order
The running order of the show will be as follows:(0:00-0:30) Jingle and intro (1:00- 5:00) Brief synopsis of show (5:00-10:00) Talk about a particular film 10:00-15:00 Ask audience to give in there view of the film on our website and text (15:00-17:00) Brief advert break (17:00:17:30) Jingle intro (18:00-22:00) read out the reviews of people who texted in
23:00 - 33:00 Talk about a review of the second film
33:00-35:00 Ask audience to send in there views of the film
35:00 - 45:00 Question time with the co hosts about the film
45:00- 45:30 fade out music intro
46:00- 48:00 advert break
48:00 - 48:30 intro to the radio show
49:00 - 55:00 slow break down of how the show was and what you can expect next week
55:00 - 57:00 final comments about the show on our facebook page or text and thanks to the audience
57:00 - 57:30 Radio jingle fade out
57:30 - 59:30 final advert
E) Script
F) Production Schedule
G) Relevant legal and ethical issues
Race :
Apart from the strict requirements of the law governing race relations in Britain, there needs to be sensitivity towards the differences which exist between people from different ethnic backgrounds. There are times when racial or national stereotypes, whether physical or behavioural, may be used without offence in programmes, but their use and likely effect should always be considered carefully in advance. Almost invariably, the use of derogatory terms in speaking of men and women from particular ethnic backgrounds and nations gives offence and should be avoided unless the context warrants it. Great distinctions exist between many people within single countries, let alone whole continents, and a broad community of interest or a common identity cannot always be assumed. The presentation of minority groups as an undifferentiated mass, rather than a collection of individuals with limited interests incommon, should be discouraged. Research points to the desire for positive British minority ethnic role models. Respondents suggest that too many of the racial role models provided for the young, particularly young black men, are derived from programming produced outside the UK,especially films and programmes originating in the US. For many, this is a problem, not least because of the stereotype it suggests to others.
My show will have a PRS licence to enable us to play music which will cost £300 per year, this will be funded by advertisers.
We must follow OFCOM regulations by not being offensive and promoting any other inappropriate material or activity
Stereotypes :
Much humor depends on stereotypes and there are many occasions when their use can be justified for the purposes of a particular programmer. Care, however, is needed to avoid the unthinking or lazy adoption of stereotypes: for example, in the portrayal of male and female behavior; the creation of an impression of older people as a single,vulnerable group; or the representation of people with mental health problems as violent.
The same is true of a number of groups which may be singled out on grounds of race,religion, or sexuality.
H) Proposed schedule time
Development of skills:
I learnt many valuable skills such as how to be professional on being a director it is a high demanding job with a lot of pressure but if you enjoy this field like I did then it is not much of a problem. I also learnt that communication goes a long way, working in a team and together gets the job done faster. The main feature I learnt was that positive and negative criticism helps you to improve and make your product better, you must be able to adapt fast to any script changes or any recording issues you have to think quick on your feet, I feel this is one of the best skills I have developed.
Undertaking additional tasks:
Throughout the production I undertook many additional tasks my main role was being the radio program editor, but to help the team out I created the script and edited it all myself, I helped create all the production plans and schedules and I also helped to record the final product and edit the recording too, with the sound effects and adverts. I believe that I gave 110 percent in all the jobs that I did and I feel I was a major factor that the whole of this production got completed to a high and professional standard.